Friday, September 5, 2008


Just to add a little bit of info I forgot to post just now, I'm seriously becoming more and more sadistic. Before the campaign ends in WBCII, during the last few battles, the enemy will start begging you to have a ceasefire. They keep offering good stuff and there are a few funny stuff like offering you a royal marriage of your choice for the ceasefire,stop this unnecessary bloodshed and "desperately begs you to spare their lives." and er I was sadistic enough to choose the option like: Continue the blood shed =D wah den I feel shiok somemore really siao and sadistic liao sia. Damn funny sia see the enemy keep 'groveling' LOL! But well the item I get for completing the campaign without accepting any truces was the Orb of Etheria which is like a godly item which totally owned all the offers my enemies could offer me =D.

Conclusion:I'm a sadist =D And I'll cheer when the End of Earth approaches =D.(I'm a crazy evil person =D. Oh and btw, mankind will probably be wiped out by 2100, probably earlier =D around 2060 for the world to be flooded by the melting of the polar ice caps. So yea well done mankind we reap what we sow eh?)

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