Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Complete! I'm downloading Several of Studio Ghibli's films, including Mononoke-Hime which I've not watched for years...I still remember I liked it very much...
finished To-LOVE-Ru until the latest Chapter 138 as well, the Valentine's Special chapter was super fanservice lolx.
Ayako-sub's Regios ep8 is out! Lucky! I saw it soon so hopefully I'll get it early tomorrow! woot, can't wait.
Also cleared off most of the anime and manga on my computer! Though, it'll never end since I keep downloading =P
Though, Yakuza Girl(Jap Manga) and Immortal Regis(Korean Manhwa)are completed o.0 I really hope Immortal Regis's sequel will be released soon, it's really nice so far, and I like the characters quite a bit. The story and everything was amazing as well, I think I'll really get a copy of the entire set and save it, since so far I've only read it online.

And, after much consideration, I'll probably purchase a Lightweight/Performance model Laptop from Fujitsu at 1.8k/1.6k+(respectively).
Currently, I'm really in music heaven =X lolx. Really like the list of songs I've downloaded until now.

Next target: Clear anime, incomplete manga and return to spamming SakuraHana Forums!

Monday, March 2, 2009

New Stuff

some new stuff to add, baka kei hasn't given me her new blog address, unless she actually gave it to me via msn which I haven't logged into yet.

my parents got rid of the old black sofa near the door and replaced it with a single chair, a cupboard for various stuff(parent's piggy bank and such, for feng shui purposes apparently) and a water-only 'pond', it contains nothing except 2 water pumps which make it like a fountain, supposedly to 'zhao cai'(in chinese) lolx, and it's kinda dumb and noisy IMO.

I've started on Pandora Hearts and To-LOVE-Ru manga, both are very nice.
My favorite manga is Record of Fallen Vampire, followed by Pandora Hearts.
and To-LOVE-Ru is your typical ecchi/harem-type manga, but with several pretty beautiful characters, and there's even alien stuff going around -.- but definitely nice with some comedy and action. My fav girl is still the cool gothic loli 'Golden Darkness' aka Yami-chan, but I'm expecting Lala-chan(female heroine probably) to end up with the male protagonist, which is as usual, a kind and dense character who is nervous around girls most of the time, but he's also in love at first(as usual, not with the female heroine, but with her strong love-rival Haruna-chan!)

Either way, just read To-LOVE-Ru if you wanna know what I'm ranting about. There's even an anime for it. For the next 4 weeks(a month) I'm gonna spam ANIME lolx since my bro gave me quite a lot of anime to watch including Sola and Shana II.